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Wednesday, January 13, 2010



bowiechick said...


aromatic said...

That was brilliant!! I have such a good laugh!! Thank you so, so much!!
Love Jane xxx

Shirley Landis VanScoyk said...

Thank you both - It was fun! I had never done it before, but I can't wait to do it again!

aromatic said...

I for one cannot wait to see you again!! You were so natural and I REALLY loved it... and guess what I think I am going back to watch it one more time!!!!!
Love Jane xxx

Nutty Gnome said...

I laughed so much my sides ache and the tears were streaming down my cheeks ...that was brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny funny . You are really an interesting person Miss Rodeo

Shirley Landis VanScoyk said...

Thanks! Thanks! this was a lot of fun!

Girl Tornado said...

That was awesome... loved the part about your piggery being 100 yards from the neighbor's pool house. LMAO... Kudos to you for not being shy, I don't think I could get up in front of an audience. :)

Anonymous said...

That so much fun to listen to!